Rice Cooker Love – It Even Makes Great Baby Food!

After posting about my search for the perfect rice cooker on my Facebook page, many friends chimed in that they loved their Zojirushi Rice Cooker.  I did a quick online search, read some reviews, and ordered one for myself.  I have used my rice cooker every day since it arrived – this has certainly been a purchase I will not regret.  Last week I tested out different kinds of rice with different seasonings and veggies and all were successful.  This week I decided to use my rice cooker to make baby food.  So easy!  Once again, why buy it when you can make it?

Add rice, water, and veggies
Let it cook…
Puree it!

This baby food process was incredibly easy… I measured the rice, chopped up some carrots, poured in the water, and turned on the rice cooker.  I wanted to use brown rice and carrots because I thought that might be a good first food combination for the baby.  After the rice and carrots were done cooking, I put them in the food processor, added some breast milk to thin it out and let it process until it was the consistency I was looking for.  I poured the rice into ice cube trays to make baby sized portions and now I have a freezer bag full of baby-friendly breakfast!  Doesn’t this seem more appetizing than adding liquid to some powdered flakes out of a cardboard box?  

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Erin Brighton

I am a native New Englander now living in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina and enjoying summers in sea-breezy Scituate, Massachusetts with my five small kids and two large dogs. I love to cook easy, local, and gluten-free for friends and family.

2 thoughts on “Rice Cooker Love – It Even Makes Great Baby Food!”

    1. Hi Jin! To make the baby food, I just cooked it on the white rice setting when using white rice and brown rice when using brown rice. When I make oatmeal in my rice cooker, I use the porridge setting but, for the baby food, the regular rice settings worked well!

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