Photos by Miranda Reger Photography

Baby Kale Has Arrived … And An Eggnog Frappe Recipe

Photos by Miranda Reger Photography
Baby Kale … Newborn Photos by Miranda Reger Photography

Never a dull moment around these parts. Baby five, also lovingly referred to as Baby Cinco and, better yet, Baby Kale, has finally arrived. I am slowly but surely coming out of my new mom stupor and enjoying every minute with this little guy. I have done this sleepless new mom thing before but this time it’s a little bit different. Dare I say, easier? Coffee helps. My eggnog frappe discovery helps, too.

When my fourth kiddo was born, I had all four kids at home. The twins were almost old enough for kindergarten but, really, four kids five and under?! What was I thinking? Don’t ask me any questions about 2005-2010.

Baby five is a whole different story… As of 9am, almost every morning, the four big kids are long gone to their respective schools for at least a few hours… Mama gets a coffee and, if the stars align, a shower. But, really, the most important thing is the coffee.

Coffee. More important than a shower…

For the first half of my pregnancy, I had morning sickness that lasted all day long and for the second half of my pregnancy, I was on insulin and trying to keep my gestational diabetes under control. Although I’ve been eating gluten-free for ten years, I have a newfound appreciation for people dealing with stringent dietary restrictions. I have never craved fruit or rice so much in my life!

Now that Baby K is here, I might be a little tired but I can eat like my normal self. Allelulia! I can tell you that my family is happy that their regular foodie mom is back in action – probably with a much bigger smile on my face when I hit the kitchen.

Newborn photo
Can you stand the cuteness?

Since my diabetes overlapped with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, I missed out on all the traditional treats of the season … eggnog, hot apple cider, pies! Sadness!

I managed to find one last half gallon of egg nog at the farmers market last week and so I will leave you with a recipe for an eggnog frappe (complete with freshly brewed coffee!) and a cute photo of baby toes. One last taste of the holiday season… Indulge me.

Baby Toes
Baby Toes – Almost Edible

Eggnog Frappe

Craving a taste of the holidays? Make this eggnog frappe...
Course Dessert
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 2 small frappes
Author Erin Brighton


  • 2 cups ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup freshly brewed dark coffee (hot!)
  • 3/4 cup eggnog
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Combine ingredients in a blender - ice first. Blend well.
  2. Pour into a tall glass.
  3. Top with fresh whipped cream.


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Erin Brighton

I am a native New Englander now living in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina and enjoying summers in sea-breezy Scituate, Massachusetts with my five small kids and two large dogs. I love to cook easy, local, and gluten-free for friends and family.

6 thoughts on “Baby Kale Has Arrived … And An Eggnog Frappe Recipe”

  1. I didn’t have GD when I was pregnant but felt oh so restricted by the things you can and cannot eat when you’ve got a little one on board. What I wouldn’t have done for a medium rare steak 🙂 Glad you can finally eat normal again! And those baby toes??! ADORABLE.

    1. So true! Even just a “regular” pregnancy has a lot of limitations with food – never mind the fact that you actually run out of room to eat your favorite things. 🙂

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