Crispy Oven Baked Fries

Crispy Baked French Fries

We make french fries quite a bit as an after school snack. White potatoes and sweet potatoes are loved equally here. I even have a fancy potato cutter that makes the potatoes all crinkly. The kids LOVE it when I make the fries crinkly. We do what we can to please the groupies, right?

crispy baked fries
Crinkly cut potatoes – almost ready for the oven

For this super simple recipe, I cut the potatoes and let them sit in cool water for about 5 to 10 minutes while I putter around the kitchen, change a diaper, break up a fight … just another day at the office. After the potatoes soak for a few minutes, I drain the water and then pat the potatoes dry using a towel.

Preheat the oven to 425 and gently toss the potatoes with about a teaspoon or two of cornstarch. After the potatoes have a little bit of cornstarch on them, toss with canola oil and your favorite seasoning – I love a little Old Bay on mine – or nothing at all and wait until the end to toss with salt.

Cook the french fries on a cookie sheet lined with foil and sprayed with a little bit of non-stick spray so that the potatoes don’t stick when you try to flip them over.

Cook the french fries at 425 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes. Flip the fries and cook for an additional 10 to 15 minutes.

Crispy Oven Baked Fries
Crispy Oven Baked Fries

As soon as the fries come out of the oven, toss them with a little bit more of your favorite seasoning and the essential fry ingredient – salt. Serve with a homemade aioli or ketchup… Yup. Homemade ketchup. We’ve been making small-batch ketchup around here with local cherry tomatoes and it is out of this world. (Stay tuned for details… I will try to post that delicious recipe soon!)


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Erin Brighton

I am a native New Englander now living in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina and enjoying summers in sea-breezy Scituate, Massachusetts with my five small kids and two large dogs. I love to cook easy, local, and gluten-free for friends and family.

12 thoughts on “Crispy Baked French Fries”

    1. SO easy! My mom has a cool fry cutter that I need to steal the next time I go to visit her – makes it even quicker. 😉

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