North Carolina Turnips

Caramelized Turnips

Last weekend was very chilly here in Charlotte. Undaunted, the girls and I still managed to make it to the farmers market and wander around for a bit – indoors, of course! (We’re wimpy now that we moved out of the snowy northeast.) I was looking for a different winter veggie to give me some inspiration and I found TURNIPS!  Yup, turnips. Admittedly, historically, they are not my favorite vegetable, but I was determined to try something new and get the kids to look fondly on this pretty root veggie.

North Carolina Turnips
North Carolina Turnips Ready For Caramelizing

Last night, looking for something yummy to accompany our turkey burgers, I knew this was my chance to pretty-up the turnips. Honestly, what doesn’t taste great with a little butter and brown sugar? About 15 minutes later, voila, caramelized turnips. They were a huge hit. Devoured. Next time I shall buy more!


Slice the ends off the turnips and “peel” the skins using a knife – I roughly cut the skin off the same way that I “peel” a butternut squash. Dice the turnip into bite-sized pieces.

Put about 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons butter and diced turnips into a heavy bottomed pot. Cook over medium-high heat for about ten minutes. You want the turnips to start to brown. Stir frequently.

After the turnips are sufficiently browned, add about 2 tablespoons brown sugar and 1/4 teaspoon sea salt. Stir ingredients together and cook for a few more minutes. Taste test your turnips to make sure they are soft and, if so, you are ready to serve! The subtle salty flavor mixed in with the sweet caramelized taste is really amazing. Enjoy!

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Erin Brighton

I am a native New Englander now living in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina and enjoying summers in sea-breezy Scituate, Massachusetts with my five small kids and two large dogs. I love to cook easy, local, and gluten-free for friends and family.

2 thoughts on “Caramelized Turnips”

    1. Megan – Hope your fam loved it! I grew up hating turnips … but we always made them at family gatherings for my Aunt Patricia. Blah. It’s amazing how a little bit of butter, brown sugar, and salt can really transform this simple root veggie. 🙂

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