If you are reading food labels and cooking your family healthy, pesticide-free food at home, chances are pretty good you are careful about cleaning chemicals in your house as well. It finally hit me this weekend while hanging out with some awesome people at Toxic Free NC that I really should be treating home cleaners like I treat our family meals – DIY. Save yourself a lot of money and just do it yourself!
If you are looking for one SUPER-EASY home cleaner to make at home, you should start with this all-purpose cleaning spray. You might even have most of these ingredients on hand. If you have elementary school students who like to do at-home science experiments, you will be very happy to add BORAX to your cleaning supply pantry. (Flubber, anyone?)

But, before I move on to your new ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER recipe, let me give you a little heads up on some toxic chemicals you might want to avoid at all costs…

Do you want to know more? Check out www.toxicfreenc.org or the Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org) – both sites have A LOT of information on reducing toxin exposure! Don’t be scared! Just take action. DIY All-Purpose Cleaner is a great place to start …
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