Roasted Tomatillo Salsa

I was blessed with an abundance of tomatillos this season. The other day, I found myself overwhelmed with the urge to roast them. I strongly believe that everything is “roastable” – is that a word? If you’ve got too much of anything or at a loss for a veggie side dish … roast it. Roasting is so easy (stick it in the oven! done!) and it really brings out different flavors in your vegetables.

Roasting generally follows one of two paths … low and slow or quick broil. I started off roasting my tomatillos low and slow but then I decided I wasn’t going to get that nice charred skin I was looking for so I turned my oven to high and put my pan of halved tomatillas at the tippety-top shelf and watched those little beauties char in just a few minutes. Instant gratification.

 The rest of this roasted tomatillo salsa recipe was decided based on whatever ingredients were hanging out on my kitchen counter at that moment … red onion, garlic and a couple jalapeno peppers. I had a handful of cilantro in my crisper drawer and half of a lime. That’s it. 5 ingredients or so… It was a huge hit. I will definitely be making this again!   

Tomatillos! Ready for roasting…


About 1 lb of tomatillos, husked and rinsed
1 large red or white onion, chopped
3 to 4 cloves garlic
2 to 3 jalapeno peppers, cut in half, some seeds removed
Fresh squeezed lime juice
Coarse sea salt
Cilantro (optional)


Food processor!

1. Husk and rinse tomatillos so that the stickiness is gone. Slice in half and spread out on a cookie sheet. Place on the highest rack of your oven and broil for a few minutes. Watch them closely. Remove as they start to char.

2. Add roasted tomatillos, onion, garlic, and peppers into a food processor. Pulse.

3. Add some freshly squeezed lime juice and salt. Taste test! Add cilantro if you wish. Serve with chips  or quesadillas. Store any extra salsa in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


My favorite tomatillo harvester!

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Erin Brighton

I am a native New Englander now living in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina and enjoying summers in sea-breezy Scituate, Massachusetts with my five small kids and two large dogs. I love to cook easy, local, and gluten-free for friends and family.

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