Making Butter…

If you are looking for an easy (and fun!) project to do with your children, try making butter! I will warn you, however, that once you make your own butter, nothing store bought will ever taste as good. I recommend organic cream – it really tastes better. 

Making butter is quite easy – you need a small jar with a tight fitting lid – baby food jars or small jelly jars work great, whipping cream, and a little salt.

Step 1. The process will go much quicker if you start with the whipping cream at room temperature or close to room temperature.

Step 2. Fill the small jar almost to the top with the cream and add a tiny bit of salt.

Step 3. SHAKE!! We brought the jar outside and passed it around letting the kids shake it until they were tired.

Step 4. The cream slowly changes to butter – the butter starts to harden and the liquid that separates off is buttermilk.

Butter and buttermilk

Step 5. The kids were so excited to watch the cream slowly change to butter! After they tired of shaking, I put the cream from the jar into my stand mixer and mixed it for a just a bit.

Step 6. Take the butter and transfer it to a small container so it can be refrigerated. I poured the buttermilk back into the mason jar to be used later in a recipe.

Why not make a heart?        

Although we did put the butter in the fridge, we first put it on fresh bread, dipped pretzels in it, and taste-tested it on a spoon! Just for fun, I put some in a silicon heart mold. You can shape it any way you like. We kept our butter very plain, but you can add any sugar or herbs to make a seasoned butter. Maybe next time… Enjoy!

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Erin Brighton

I am a native New Englander now living in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina and enjoying summers in sea-breezy Scituate, Massachusetts with my five small kids and two large dogs. I love to cook easy, local, and gluten-free for friends and family.

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